

The biggest lessons in life

Falling through time to infinity

Nowhere is the point of zero.
Everywhere is infinity.
Being in two states at once.
That is infinitly eternally.

- Victorius


Time exists from eternity to infinity.
From everywhere to where you are.
The zero on the grid.
Synchronisity is important if
you want to be both.
Coming into existence from 0
and coming into exitence from everywhere.
Two times coming into existence at the same time.
That is synchronisity.

- Victorius


With symmetry there are 2 powers.
who are pushing and the releasing energy pulls.
You have the order and symmetry against the mysteriousness.
The unraveling of mystery and the bringing order to get
overview. You should know The color indigo is never well
understood. It has so many mentions and theories build around it.
Symmetry is unraveling the mystery but comes down to making things

- Victorius


Apreciating something is being honest about something.
If your making the choice to appreciate something else.
Then that is where the universe says yes to.
Honesty is appreciation.

- Florish

Cleansing with honesty:
The feeling of appreciation can heal your emotional state.
Be honest and only think about what you choose.
Whatever you choose you are saying yes to.
Saying yes constantly is very cleansing to blockages.

- Florish

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