

The biggest lessons in life

Self Enlightenment

If you would like to boost your power to enlighten yourself,
then stop thinking of other people and start with yourself and yourself only.
This off course leads to a closed mindset.
You will not be enlightened but darkened and shrouded from society.
It's absorbant not enlightening.

- Victorius


If you can recognize the electricity in all things,
then you can be proud.
Pride only wins when everything goes exactly as you would like it to go.
This is when you are recognizing electricity in all things.

- Victorius

The Question is The Answer

Symmetry also applies to things we say.
If you have a question then you already know the answer.
Your awareness has grown.
If you know the question, then try to formulate it
into different words as into a solution.
It's symmetrical.

- Victorius

The Unifying order

Illumination... Enlighten...Unraveling...
The Order that unifies us all.
Magnetic...it's binding.
It's very attracting.
It's symmetrical.

- Victorius

Surrendering to peace

Expanding situations are disolving.
Peace within and radiance outside.
Self Softening.
Soft and kind.
Pillows everywhere.
Rest through peace.
Feel the silence.
It's peace.

- Victorius

Waiting is promissing

Waiting for things to happen.
Just wait and know how to still make it happen.
Synchronize while waiting and
you have become the sollution.
You will create just as much as you are waiting.

- Victorius

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