

The biggest lessons in life

Self Connecting:
If you want to know who you are
then it's important to know how.
Your clothes are chosen by you.
So it's connected to you.
Your choices and possessions
are also making an impression
of who you are.
Your choices define you.
Connect with yourself.

- Victorius

Self Determination:

If you want to set a path
or direction, then you
have to be self determined.
Be decisive and let you voice
be heard. don't let others
tell you what to.
Go for it.

- Victorius

Self domination:

If you want to achieve
more then you could have,
then try to become the master
of the situation. Learn
to dominate the road of
your decisions.
And try to stay on it.
That is powerfull.

- Victorius

Anything can happen:

Time is made of connections
and the binding effect in between.
You can choose wherever you want to go.
Time brings you to the place where you
want to go to. Remember that you are
eternal and infinite. Everything that happens
has already happenend and will keep happening.
It's a matter of choice of where you want to go.

- White Stars

Be a Sorcerer:

If you are losing power
and if spirits are not treating you
right. Then Grab your power and obtain it.
Become the master Of sorcery.
Freedom doesn't come for free.
If Archangel Michael is against you
, you better have the upper hand.

- Radiance Stars

Search for safety

Don't fall for stupidity,
but look at the safe options.
The brains and the looks,
because some options can only
be reached when it's guaranteed.

- Radiance Stars

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